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Christine Vallaure


 In addition to developing courses and hosting workshops, I frequently take the stage at various conferences. Recently, I had the honor of being invited to speak at Figmas' Config Conference in San Francisco, theSmashing Conferences in New York, Freiburg, and Antwerp, as well as Awwwards. I've also engaged in numerous online discussions.

Below, you'll find some references and a list of my recent talk topics.

If you're interested in having me speak at your conference, please reach out. I am available for presentations in English, German, and Spanish.

[email protected]




My typical speaking topics revolve around the intersection of UI design (with Figma) and CSS, as well as more personalized talks, for example, about why I consciously choose to keep operating as a one-person company and the beauty of learning as an adult. My current talks are:


Design Beyond Breakpoints: Container Queries for UI Designers

In recent years, we've witnessed remarkable CSS advancements with the potential to revolutionize web design. These developments will fundamentally change our perception of the classic browser layout, surpassing the standard breakpoint approach. Join me as we explore how to leverage these new possibilities in Figma.


Breaking Barriers: Fostering Communication Between Design and Code

Are we really still talking about collaboration tools and handoffs? Instead, let’s talk about product development and the fundamental principles of web design. And how to use Figma in a way so you can forget about the perfect handoff and work together!


Solopreneurship: Staying Small While Growing Big

Curious what motivates us to push further? For me, it all started with discovering solopreneurship—a concept I stumbled upon unexpectedly. In a world that values growth, we often overlook the power of staying small and flexible. Yet, embracing the simplicity of one-person companies, supported by modern tech, uncovers countless opportunities.

Past & Upcoming

You can find a list of past and future talks as well as workshops here. 

full list of past talks


If you'd like me to speak at your conference, please get in touch.
I present in English, German, and Spanish. 

[email protected]

Madrid, Spain

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